Miles Away


It is time of day where my soul succumbs in great darkness and silence of the night.

I don't remember the last time I felt this way. 

My mind is restless. Begging our creator to give me strength to be strong enough to face each day that you're not by my side.

You are my calm in the storm. You always knew how to tame the monster in me. 

Today, you're not here. I feel so lost.

I'm lost in the woods again. Screaming with hopes that it would subside the fear cave in my soul.

My body is aching in the weight of your absence. 

I am stuck between two things in my mind and heart.

Torn between letting go all the hurts inside of me or another is missing you and wishing you were here with me tonight.

Although, I'm missing every part of you. My heart never stops beating for you.

It grows. My feelings toward you grows every moment. 

Come back home, sweetheart.
